This first appointment, BEFORE ALL One-On-One sessions and In Home training program, can be done, according to your choice:
Remote consultation payment (Video or Phone) can be done with "Online payment" or "Bank transfert".
Check the appropriate "payment method" when booking process
🐕 |Jum straightinto the training - Video Coaching & Training session |🐕
Click here to know more about what you can expect from it...
1) BEHAVIORAL ASSESSMENT (Familly & dog) :
In order to set up your behavioral assessment, we will discuss together about your family situation:
A first phone consultation (or video if you prefer) is requered previously to coming for in-home training :
With our 13 years of experience, we know that best behavioral modification and training results we've obtained is always when/with people are ready to change themselves (before they want to change the dog) and that we can unfortunatly not help all people.
As our goal is to have the best results for our clients, we are looking for quality of training and not quantity (of clients)... Therefore, we are not afraid to lose "potential" clients if we see
that we will not be able to help them: Self-Leadership, Self impowering, facing our fears, changing false beliefs, changing our daily habits and interaction with the dog... being honest
enough with ourselves about a potentially toxic relationship we may have with our dog is not given to everyone. For these people, it may be more helpful to work directly with a dog
trainer who will try to fix the dog (without dealing with the owner).
🎁 NOTE : This Initial consultation will be "refunded" if you decide to go deeper with a in-home training afterwards
NEW CLIENTS's Bootcamp availability starting from May 2025 !
For "Bootcamp" , "Board & Train", "Holiday boarding" Request please note that this service is only provide for our former clients : "clients who
already did followed a home training program with us, previously to a Boarding" !
⚠ If your are interrested to follow this program, please book First : Phone consultation or
Video-conference coaching (if you need immediate help), to talk about important points and to discuss about your dog's